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3 Ways to Eat Food That Have The Most Prana (Life Force)

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

Prana is literally the life-force that our bodies need to flourish. It's in the air we breathe, the sun that shines, the nature we touch and connect with, and of-course the food we eat!

Nature has its own packaging. So, before you take your first mouthful, learn to recognise the healing properties of food.

1.Avoid FLUNC Foods

Frozen, Leftover foods, Unnatural (anything processed or artificial), Nuked (packaged with preservatives) & Canned Foods.

The longer foods are frozen or left over, or worse are high in preservative, the more they loose their Prana (Life Force). So, try to eat foods within 3 months of freezing. Or better yet, straight off the tree.

Canned foods or foods with preservatives loose tih

2.Stick to Seasons

The more life force available in the diet, the more ojas that can be formed. Food is produced and packaged by nature at the right time and location to keep us alive.

Out-of-season foods, which are often selected before they're ready and then ripened with a chemical agent while in transit, have more nutrients and prana than foods that are in season where you reside.

Seasonal energies correspond to the three doshas, and our environment supplies seasonally appropriate meals.

Kapha Season (Spring)

This season usually produces light foods like leafy greens and herbs.

Pitta Season (Summer)

When the sun is shinning opt for cooling foods such as watermelon and cucumber.

Vata Season (Autumn + Winter)

Tis the season to eat 'grounding foods' such as potatos and root vegetables e.g. carrots.

The Meat Matter

Ayurveda tends to view meat as a 'dead food' that slows and weakens your agni/digestive fire. However it is excellent at building tissue. Therefore there is a time and place for meat according to Ayurveda.

It's critical to make informed decisions about meat consumption. To enhance their appearance, even organic meats may contain natural nitrates and dyes, as well as carbon monoxide. If you must eat meat, go for the most natural and fresh options possible. Opt for grass fed beef as well, which is what its supposed to naturally eat anyways, as corn fed beef tends to have anti-biotics and hormones in it to actually get the cow to eat the corn and then not be sick from it.

3. Eat the Rainbow

A multi-colored diet is a quick and easy approach to acquire a wide range of nutritional support.

Foods with deep, rich hues are high in antioxidants and include a variety of phytonutrients that improve health and immunity.

Phytonutrients are found in high concentrations in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, herbs, and spices, and are responsible for its flavour, smell, and colour. Nature really does have its own packaging and in fact, each colour indicates the phytonutrients inside.


Beta-carotene, and vitamin C are all found in red foods, as well as Lycopene- one of the most powerful antioxidants that help rid the body of free radicals (cause cellular damage),preventing blood clotting, strokes, heart disease, and even prostate cancer.

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Deep Blue & Purple

Anthocyanins, ellagic acid, vitamin C, and phenolic acids are abundant in these foods.

Flavonoids called anthocyanins have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. They may help protect against cancer, heart disease, obesity, vision loss, and diabetes, according to research. They may also aid in the enhancement of memory and other cognitive abilities.

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Lutein, chlorophyll, and indoles are all found in green vegetables.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids and antioxidants that have been shown to protect eye health and fight cancer.

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Orange & Yellow

Beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, vitamin C, and flavonoids are all found in these foods.

Beta-carotene is an important antioxidant that contributes about half of the vitamin A in a typical American diet. Everything from exercise-related asthma, AIDS, heart disease, and macular degeneration to alcoholism, epilepsy, psoriasis, and Parkinson's disease has been treated with it.

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Allicin and antioxidant flavonoids like quercetin and allicin are found in white foods.

Quercetin is an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory that is found in nature. It has also been demonstrated to aid in the reduction of blood pressure and the prevention of heart disease. Allicin is a potent immune enhancer.

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