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The 3 Doshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha. What are the Doshas, How to Find Your Type, What Dosha Excess Means

Updated: Dec 14, 2021


The 3 Doshas influence your destiny, without necessarily determining it. They are the mold you were cast in, shaped by your choices and experiences, ever changing throughout your life.

In modern medicine, it is a common practise to prescribe the same medication for every individual that has similar symptoms. However we are all so unique and so are our bodies. 1 pill cannot fix all. Therefore each individuals requires a personalised approach to their healing, as our bodies have a unique consistency of various elements. In Ayurveda this is known as the 5 Doshas.

In order to not only restore harmony, but also feel centred, energetic, and awake with possibilities, the 3 Doshas have to be in balanced.

In order to understand the 5 Doshas we need to understand the elements that make them up, which are know as the 5 pancha mahabutas- they are the building blocks of everything in the universe, from people to plants to our environment.

1. Space: Represents potential.

Setting intentions for health means accessing space- where anything is possible.

2. Air: Represents movement.

The element facilitates movement, it allows new thoughts and fresh possibilities to enter your reality.

3. Water represents connection

Water is the very material that holds our cells together. It can be thought of as a means of cohesion and is protective and nourishing.

4. Fire represents transformation.

Fire fuels the transformation of 'out with the old, in with the new' and is the

powerful force behind your actions.

5. Earth represents structure

All material objects and the physical world around us, including rocks, hills, and buildings, as well as bones, muscles, and organs.

The 3 Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) are all a unique combination of the 5 elements (pancha mahabutas) and determine each person's unique Dosha Type.

Every person has their own unique recipe of the 5 elements. These 'recipes' are known as the

3 Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) are all a unique combination of the 5 pancha mahabutas 'elements' (space, air, water, fire and earth).

VATA: In the Body

This Dosha is usually referred to as being 'lively and full of movement' and also thin, dry hands and feet with a light build..

Almost like hummingbirds.

Since there is also a lot of movement in air, this Dosha can also sometimes be irregular and rough. Also due to the sudden bursts in movement the Dosha can have bouts of fatigue. Irregular habits, light sleep and sensitive digestion characterises this Dosha.

VATA: In the Mind

Quick, vivacious and imaginative minds are the Vatas. They are very creative, flexible and open with an excellent uplifting energy. They can however be quick to forget and prone to worry or anxiety.

VATA: In the Souls

Their souls crave freedom and adventure.

PITTA: In the Body

This Dosha is usually 'hot and oily' , with a medium, athletic build and a moderate stamina... with a very powerful stare.

Almost like eagles.

Pittas tend to have excellent digestion and sound sleep for short periods of time.

PITTA: In the Mind

The Pitta mind is sharp, calculated and intentional with a direct and outspoken voice. Great memory and squick to learn with a naturally joyful attitude. Since there is also a lot of fire, this Dosha needs to be careful not to 'burn out' and be too prone to irritability, as well as not to act too impulsively and reactively.

PITTA: In the Souls

The Pitta souls craves transformation and power.

KAPHA: In the Body

This Dosha has tends to have smooth, thick and radiant hair. They have strong build with an excellent stamina and strength.

Almost like a swam.

Slow digestion and sound sleep is what this Dosha experiences.

KAPHA: In the Mind

This Dosha's nature is to be patient, loyal and supportive, which makes them naturally calm, loving and thoughtful.

They might be slow to grasp new information, but they have a great memory to make up for it. To move is not this Dosha's number 1 priority, therefore they can also be overly laid back and lethargic.

KAPHA: In the Soul

This Dosha yearns for everlasting growth.

Prakruti is the reason why you must know your Dosha type because it is how you will predict and stay in your best health throughout your life. Therefore correctly determining your Dosha type is vital.

You can return to your original nature—your true balance—by choosing lifestyle choices that honour your unique combination of the three doshas, or prakruti. You feel healthy, active, and joyful when you're in balance.

The cool thing is, after some experience practising Ayurveda I notice that I have acquired a sort of feel for which Dosha type a person is. If you need my help determining your Dosha type, please feel free to join my waiting list here.

I wish you a healthy Dosha balance for the day :)

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